Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Bike to Work Week!

It is that time of year again, y'all, when ordinary citizens throw open their dusty garages and roll their creaky old ten speeds out into the streets. The highways are deserted and the skies are clean. Everyone seems slightly more jovial even as they complain about superficial aches from using muscles they forgot they had. Ah. Sigh. One can dream, can't they? But it 'tis the League of American Bicyclist's "National Bike Month," and this week is specifically Bike-to-Work Week, with Bike-to-Work Day falling specifically on Friday, May 20th. I myself try to maintain the tradition, even though my job requires me to shuttle my laptop between home and work each morning and evening, and this week we begin production on a new series meaning longer and more exhausting hours. Still... I would like to give it a try—got out the old Thomas Guide last night and I'm up for the adventure of trying to navigate the hills of Griffith Park to get "over the hill" dodging as little high speed traffic as possible. I'm also going to force myself to participate in Sunday's 70 mile LA River Ride to Long Beach and back ride to support the LA County Bicycle Coalition. Saddle up kids, we're going for a ride.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Man, how far is work from home? And is there any way to safely bike the streets in a town where you notoriously have to "drive somewhere to take a walk"?