Sunday, August 10, 2014

Today in Training: BPC -> GWB -> FtL,NJ -> JC, NJ = 29.85 miles

Grant's Tomb
One would think that today's excursion would net me more than 30 measly miles, (for those of you who need a decoder: Battery Park City, George Washington Bridge, Fort Lee, NJ and Jersey City, NJ) but I'm holding out the hope that these city miles (in city sneakers) count for something more than a 1:1 ratio... hoping at least a 1:1.25 ratio. God willing. 

Had a quick stop off at Grant's Tomb (because I'm a NPS nerd) on the upper West Side. Today I also learned that I really need protein to fuel this ride. (if Five Guys would like to sponsor me, I would not turn that down.)

Riverside Church, across from Grant's Tomb

When riding across the GWB, the trick is not to look down.

Finally made it to JC! only to find out the PATH trains don't run on weekends. Fortunately the water taxi picks up the slack.

T-Minus: 40 days
Fundraising to go: $455!!
Total training miles ridden: 1234.91

Total books read since started: 28

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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