Sunday, June 22, 2014

Today in Training: Gray->Raymond->Frye Island and back

Cheap thrills of Raymond, ME. Nathaniel Hawthorne's boyhood home.
Back in the (sore, sore) saddle for another 33.6 after a day off celebrating the longest day yesterday. Hopped on the bike for a trip to the ferry to visit some old friends on Frye Island.

Nice and sunny on the way there, but it became overcast on the way back. These Maine hills are good for training but killing my butt!
I may need to keep the speed boat on retainer for more quick getaways.

T-Minus: 89 days
Fundraising to go: $1365 (over the halfway mark!!! thanks everyone!)
Total training miles ridden: 602.01
Total books read since started: 15

And I mean if you haven't donated yet, what are ya waiting for, ya mug!

1 comment:

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