Here's one of my recent postings to
I finally got up the nerve to dispense with the beast known as the papasan chair (cool when you're 20, not so much when you're 30...and even the Salvation Army won't accept them as a donation) but Mojo kitty seemed to like the coziness of the stand,
so I decided to see what I could come up with in terms of recycling it into something I could use. (I swear I am reincarnated from someone who lived during the Great Depression, normal people do not think like this, sadly!) I finally figured that the stand is just the right height to act as a foot stool (something I was lacking to begin with and not ready to part with $70 at Ikea to buy one). I used some of this crappy cheap ribbon that I had to buy 75 yards of for a halloween costume to create the cradle to hold the pillow.
I then unstuffed the big papasan pillow (I now have batting to last a long, long time) and traced a circle onto the fabric to fit the stand. I sewed it up, restuffed with fill and dried lavender, put my feet up and aaaaah time to relax with my brand new tuffet.
Thinking of adding a small zipper so that it can be opened easily and washed... and maybe adding buttons to give it better shaping.
Feet up, Mojo checks out original papasan frame for potential "Beyond Thunder-cat Dome"?
I was trying to think of something creative to do with that frame, but kicking the crap out of it to get it dismantled (GREAT stress relief) destroyed the coil of bamboo (or whatever the heck this indestructible material is). Finally got it down to a giant circle with 4 bracing arms and just couldn't get it dismantled any further without a saw or stronger thighs. It's currently in the area above my shower and threatening to inspire me to create some funky hanging mobile thing... stay tuned...
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